We partner with the best in the world to bring scale, security & expertise.
This ensures that your investments are safe, transparent & in the best of hands.

We partner with the best in the world to bring scale, security and expertise. This ensures that your investments are safe, transparent and in the best of hands.
Our investors' assets are always held separately to ours and our sub-custodians. We do not borrow on our investors' assets under any circumstances.
Each investor is provided access to their ASX listed holdings via their Holder Identification Number (HIN). All other assets are held under custody and at all times the investor remains the beneficial owner of the assets.
We are independently audited and have a robust internal compliance and monitoring framework. This ensures that our investors' portfolios are always within the targeted asset allocation.
Our Investment Committee has a combined 150 years of experience in financial markets and funds management, built through businesses such as Merrill Lynch, Blackrock, Deutsche Bank, Macquarie Bank, Ernst & Young and all major Australian banks.
Our Investment Committee monitors our investment processes and manager selection to ensure only the best investments are held.
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